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Video Projects


Camino a la pausa

(Way to the pause)



This video was the mayor and final project for the  BA in Fine Arts in 2008.


The next three videos are part of a video installation where there were three screens in a dark room where was possible to appreciate landscapes changing during the day. The idea was to create a space that might allow people to contemplate the beauty of these mountains in order to experience the presence of time through the change. At the same time, the viewer could be encouraged to relax and to escape from the routine and stress of the city for at least a few minutes.

In the room, the screens were located in the walls of the room. They were synchronised so as soon as one projection finished the next one would appear.


Vanity, the whore in high hills



Sometimes what you see is not what you think  it is.

Agua (Water)

A video recording of a live video mixing session.

Todo lo que cabe en un instante (Everything  that can be in an instant)



Classic drawing animation frame by frame mixed up with digital video.


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